Index of Persons

2347 individuals, 1020 families from file PLOTTERS.GED
Generated on 03/11/98 at 15:42.

COLE, William  ( - )
COLLETT, John  ( - )
CONGREVE, Dorothy  ( - )
CONSTABLE, Agnes  ( - )
CONSTABLE, Ellinor  ( - )
CONSTABLE, Henry (1st Viscount Dunbar) ( - )
CONSTABLE, John  ( - )
CONSTABLE, John  ( - )
CONSTABLE, John (2nd Viscount Dunbar) ( - )
CONSTABLE, Marmaduke  ( - )
CONSTABLE, Mary  ( - 1638)
CONSTABLE, Robert  ( - )
CONWAY, (son?)  ( - )
CONWAY, John  ( - )
CONYERS, Christopher  ( - )
COOKE, Anne  ( - 1631)
COOKE, Ann  ( - )
COOKE, Anthony  ( - )
COOKE, Mildred  (1526 - 04 APR 1589)
CORBETT, Elizabeth  ( - )

UP (CATESBY, Robert - GAGE, Henry)
BACK (CLIFFORD, Henry - COKE, Edward)
NEXT (CORBETT, William - D'EWES, Delariviere)

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Database compiled by Douglas Burbury
HTML generated using a customised Perl script on 03/11/98 at 15:42.