Index of Persons

2347 individuals, 1020 families from file PLOTTERS.GED
Generated on 03/11/98 at 15:42.

GOODWIN, Catherine  ( - )
GOODWIN, John  ( - )
GOOWDIN, John (Kt.) ( - )
GORE, Cicely Alice  (1867 - 1955)
GOUSHILL, Joan  ( - )
GOUSHILL, Robert  ( - )
GRAND AUGI, Reginald Sieurde  (1020 - )
GRANT, (son)  ( - )
GRANT, Edward  ( - 1592)
GRANT, John  ( - 30 JAN 1606)
GRANT, Richard  ( - )
GRANT, Thomas  ( - BEF 1603)
GRANT, Wyntour  ( - )
GRAUNT, Isabel  ( - 1558)
GRAUNT, Walter  ( - )
GREEN, Anne  (ABT 1490 - BEF 1523)
GREEN, Elizabeth  ( - )
GREEN, Thomas  ( - )
GREEN, William  ( - )
GREVILLE, Edward  ( - )

UP (GAGE, Henry - LUCAS, Jane)
NEXT (GREY, Anne - HARBOTTLE, Eleanor)

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Database compiled by Douglas Burbury
HTML generated using a customised Perl script on 03/11/98 at 15:42.